BB26 Update! Makensy Blows Up the House: Pits Angela Against Tucker

Hey Big Brother fans, so overnight, McKenzie, who is still on the block, blew up the house, pitting Tucker and Angela against each other in a really wicked way, and it shook up everything. A new target is up on the chopping block as this week's POV meeting renom. If you missed the POV meeting results, I did a video a little while ago about it, and in that one, I teased the controversy and what McKenzie has done because it was just too much to get into in that video. I didn't want to make it super long, and I don't want this one to be super long, so I'm going to probably talk a little faster than usual. Buckle up.

I just have to wonder if McKenzie is looking for some payback. Angela's crazy eyes attack on Matt and him going home first on her HOH, and she may be coming after her because, you know, she was kind of low-key crushing all over him—stalking, laying in the bed, staring at him while he was sleeping, sitting in the chair next to Leah, staring at him while he was sleeping. And now the whole Rina showmance thing is confirmed, maybe she's salty about it. Messy stuff, and by the way, you know Tucker confirming that showmance is coming back to bite him in like four different ways as he's dealing with Angela, McKenzie, and Leah fallout, plus backlash from Rubina.

Now, I want to dig into McKenzie blowing up the house. Here's how it started, went, and how it’s still shaking up the game. You may know already, but Angela had a grueling punishment. She got slimed, rinsed, repeated while carrying a thousand balls one at a time across the backyard. McKenzie was there for her, even walking back and forth until the bitter end, encouraging her. Leah was there for her, Cam was there for her. Angela's punishment was finally over about 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. Little naps and then all this drama I'm about to unpack went down after that, into Sunday overnight, and Monday before the veto meeting, and now fallout after, just to set the timeline for you.

So, after the exhausting punishment ended Sunday, McKenzie cornered Angela and told her, You know, you're just a number for Tucker. You are not an ally that can trust him. So Angela bought it, hook, line, and sinker. She promised to keep MJ safe at Thursday's vote, and then a few hours later, Quen and Leah talked with Angela and McKenzie. Angela pitched to them this plan: evict Tucker. And I mean, Angela is not wrong; he is probably the most dangerous guy in the game, and he's on the block. So then Quen gets paranoid, worries that McKenzie's gonna tell Tucker about the conversation, and Quen worries Tucker will assume he was the ringleader—he wasn’t was pulled into a conversation, and guess what? Yeah, McKenzie did go to Tucker and told him Angela is gunning for him.

She didn't spell out everything about who all was conversing, as far as I know, but guess what? Tucker didn’t believe McKenzie. So meanwhile, Quen ran upstairs and told his Visionaries allies, Tor and Kimo, that Angela is pushing to get Tucker out and if they keep at it, they probably are going to have the votes. Angela came up crying earlier about not wanting to go home and was pitching to Tor, Please don't renom Leah, and Angela had no idea that she was painting a bigger target on her own back as the potential renom because Tor has been debating Leah versus Angela as renom for more than 24 hours. As we know, Tor did end up nominating Angela as the renom, but Tor kind of got tricked a little bit too because Quen’s been pushing to keep Leah off the block.

Joseph was locked down in solitary so he couldn’t help Leah, so he was released on Monday just before the veto meeting, but he was telling Quen to keep pushing the whole keeping Leah off the block thing, and lots of people in the house still think Angela is the AI instigator, which is another reason to nominate her. So Angela’s been on tongues, Leah has been on tongues, then McKenzie came and told Tor she should renom Angela, even though McKenzie had just been pretending to be Angela’s ally in this takedown Tucker scheme. McKenzie’s like all over the place, like she’s, you know, Dr. Evil stroking a furless cat. I mean, later, Tor confirmed to Rubina that she also learned that Angela was indeed targeting Tucker, so Rubina ran back to tell Tucker it was true that Angela flipped on him.

And then he did believe it, and he also found out Leah and McKenzie were part of the convo. So it’s painfully clear McKenzie is trying to save her own butt while ruining Angela and Tucker's games and pitting them against one another. It’s devilish, and it’s fun. And despite all of this, Tucker still told Tor he thought Leah was more dangerous and should be the renom; he was still keeping Angela safe even after he knew all of this. And then Kimo and Tor were talking, and he said putting Leah up is going to cause the least backlash, but in the end, Tor went the other way and put up Angela.

So things are still falling apart, and I’m sure they’re going to get worse with the Utah mom on the block. So overnight, the 6th Avenue alliance fell apart because McKenzie was stirring up all this havoc and doing the pitting against each other trying to draw heat off herself—it worked. Kimo and Tor officially said they're done with that alliance. Then last night, Tucker had mentioned to his allies he was going to confront both Angela and Leah but separately for their plot against him. So this morning, Tucker corners Angela, and she tells him she knows their F2 meant nothing because he’d always choose Rina.

Tucker got mad like a disappointed dad. He was reminding Angela of all the times he's had her back and saved her, that he used the veto on her, and then Angela again's bringing up Rubina, and he's like, One is game, one is personal, and Tucker insists he and Rubina may have something outside the house, but he's still playing his game, still allied with Angela. And then Tucker kind of got angry; he snapped at her and he's like, You’re going to be on the block and you’re going to go home this week because I’m going to beat you in the arena.

So here’s kind of what’s funny about all this. Tucker’s AI instigator move, outing his own showmance, is what had Angela so upset and primed to listen to McKenzie and her, you know, powers of persuasion. And since then, Tucker's been lying all over the house, denying he and Angela ever had a final two deal because Rubina has now learned about that, and he's trying to cover his ass and say, No, no, no. Angela went to Tor after the confrontation with Tucker, pre-veto meeting, and asked her, Please don't put me up, but she also said to Tor, I know it’s your HOH, and I get it if you have to.

Then on Monday, there was also a glimpse of Angela ranting on the feeds because she’s unhappy that she's at the bottom of her alliance, and it was confirmed for her. Remember, two weeks ago when Angela was HOH, she was on the floor eavesdropping—there's a video here you can look at that shows it—and she was hearing Tucker, Kimo, Tor, and Rubina out by the fish area talking, and she went out and begged them to please let her into the alliance. They ended up naming it the Tanks, and then it kind of morphed into 6th Avenue when one more came in. I'm reminding you of that because this morning Angela was ranting that she’s at the bottom of the alliance she begged to join and said she didn’t mind being at the bottom of. And in talking to Rubina, she kind of low-key sort of agreed she was at the bottom of the alliance.

Angela’s like, I'm at the bottom of the alliance, and Rubina's like, Mhm, and then Angela's like, Oh, it’s been confirmed, and she had a fit. It’s just crazy. Despite all of this, all the explosions, confirmation Angela’s coming for him, Tucker still wanted Leah on the block but not Angela, and Tor went the other way. So now Angela’s sitting there next to Tucker and McKenzie, the one who masterminded all the upheaval.

So, just is McKenzie targeting Angela for ranting at Matt and him going out on her HOH? Remember, Angela kind of threw their names around as a showmance early on, and McKenzie just complained the other day that showmance talk really wrecked her game, like right away. So maybe this is all karma. After confronting Angela, then Tucker came kind of sideways at Leah in the bathroom. MJ was there, and he brings up her talking to Angela about wanting him out. Leah’s lying and denying, saying, I don’t remember your name coming up. She did not cave; she did not confess. MJ joined in the covering.

So right now, Monday afternoon Big Brother time, Angela’s butt-hurt about being the renom, Tucker’s butt-hurt about her being the renom despite finding out she was betraying him, and he was venting to Quen after the veto meeting that he just can’t believe Tor didn’t do him a solid and renom Leah after he saved Tor from a punishment and made sure she got that $5,000 prize. Tucker is now melting down as big as Angela, saying he’s like Kenny; he just wants to go home, be with his dog.

You know, he’s mad at Tor for nomming Angela more than he is at the plot to take him down. Bizarre, right? Post-veto meeting, Tucker was upset, talking to Rubina about how he cries himself to sleep at night all the time, and then he’s like, I’m not even going to try to win the AI arena. I just don’t even care. Full Kenny mode, right? He even then goes up to Tor, and the two had this weird tear-fest and bonding moment, a weirdly long hug after he vented. They're both crying about it. In the end, it kind of seemed like McKenzie got away with pitting Tucker against Angela and blowing up the house.

And since McKenzie skated on consequences for that, she’s trying something more. She pulls Rubina to the upstairs balcony and is talking to her about Tucker, trying to get Rubina to turn on Tucker. First, she tells Rubina that Tucker said, Oh, she’s just like a sister to me, and Rubina's like, Yeah, I heard that, because he, you know, was trying to keep that when he was trying to keep the showmance under wraps. And then McKenzie’s like, He's ruining your game, girl, you know, and McKenzie’s like, You got plenty of time to get with him once Big Brother is over, and Rubina’s like, Yeah, you know, I’m playing my game, whatever, and McKenzie literally tells her, Tucker is going to be the death of her.

So, I do think McKenzie probably overstepped with this move because Rubina already knew Tucker was saying stuff like that to kind of cover up their showmance. And I just have to see if the math is going to start mathing for some of these people, and they’re going to go, Oh, McKenzie is the common denominator in all the tears and drama and everything, and turn on her, evict her. I still think she is a very strong candidate for eviction on Thursday. If she doesn’t win the arena, I expect Angela and Tucker are also gonna hug it out. But man, McKenzie was playing hard over the past 24 hours, and she’s caused some big problems in the house. But I think she might have actually overstepped with this last one.

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