The Big Brother 26 week 4 Power of Veto ceremony has occurred, and nominee and veto winner Tucker Des Lauriers saved himself. Although Angela Murray won the Big Brother 26 week 4 Head of Household (HOH) competition, Quinn Martin activated his Deepfake HOH upgrade power, and took over her reign. He nominated Tucker, Makensy Manbeck, and Cedric Hodges for eviction, with Tucker as his target, Makensy as his backup, and Cedric as his pawn.
The Big Brother 26 live feeds have revealed that, unlike in week 3 when Tucker saved Angela from eviction instead of himself, Tucker used the Power of Veto to take himself off of the chopping block. When Tucker saved himself from eviction, Quinn nominated Rubina Bernabe in his place, and shifted his target to Makensy. If Makensy wins the BB A.I. Arena, then Rubina will most likely be the target because Cedric is in alliances with Quinn and several other houseguests, including The Collective and The Pentagon.
Who Will Win The Big Brother 26 Week 4 BB A.I. Arena Competition?
Two Of The Three Nominees Have Already Won Competitions
The Big Brother 26 week 4 BB A.I. Arena competition will determine who the final two nominees are. Two of the three nominees have already won competitions. Makensy won the first competition of the season, receiving the America's Veto upgrade power, which she activated last week to save herself from the block. Cedric won the week 3 HOH competition, which resulted in Kenney Kelley's eviction. Rubina hasn't been as active in the game yet as the others, but being nominated will force her to play hard for her safety.
Throughout just four weeks of Big Brother 26, Tucker has established himself as a competition beast. He's already won two Power of Veto competitions and two BB A.I. Arena competitions. However, he's been a loose cannon, making a lot of chaotic moves, so he'll have to continue to win competitions in order to keep himself safe. They say that you can't win them all, but Tucker seems determined to prove that saying wrong.
It's going to be very interesting to see what happens next in Big Brother 26.On Tuesday, August 13, a game-changing surprise will be announced in a special Big Brother episode featuring winners Jag Bains, Taylor Hale, and Cody Calafiore. It'll be thrilling to see if that shocker affects this week's live eviction, or if it will begin in week 5. It'll also be intriguing and fun to see if Jag, Taylor, and Cody will be part of Big Brother 26 beyond that one episode. Big Brother 26 has already been one of the best ever.