Big Brother 26’s Tucker Des Lauriers Reveals Harsh Reaction To Week 7 Head Of Household Results (SPOILERS)

WARNING! THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS ABOUT BIG BROTHER 26!Evicted Big Brother 26 houseguest Tucker Des Lauriers wasn't happy to hear that the week 7 Head of Household (HOH) competition winner was Quinn Martin. The Big Brother 26 houseguests turned the tables on Tucker after he volunteered to be a pawn for the week 6 HOH T'kor Clottey. Although Tucker had been a seemingly unstoppable competition beast the whole season, he lost both the Power of Veto and BB A.I. Arena competitions in week 6. One of the votes against Tucker was Quinn, whom Tucker had saved with the Power of Veto the previous week in a shocking turn of events.

"Somebody get this kid out of the house!"

In an interview with Parade, when Tucker was informed that Quinn won the Big Brother 26 week 7 HOH competition, he yelled, "Somebody get this kid out of the house!" Tucker laughed that he hoped that Quinn was put up on the chopping block soon. When giving his rapid-fire thoughts about the houseguests, Tucker said that Quinn was a "snake, ungrateful. But probably the most well thought out player in there, and deceiving. He knows what it takes, and he's got all the qualities of it. Untrustworthy, but a great player."

Tucker Reveals Why He Volunteered To Put Himself On The Block

Tucker Wanted To Make T'kor Clottey's HOH Reign Easier


Tucker Des Lauriers from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Tucker Des Lauriers from Big Brother 26 preparing to compete in the AI Arena with a smile.

Big Brother 26 Houseguest Tucker Des Lauriers In A.I. Assist Costume

T’KOR CLOTTEY from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Quinn Martin from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Tucker Des Lauriers from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Tucker Des Lauriers from Big Brother 26 preparing to compete in the AI Arena with a smile.

Big Brother 26 Houseguest Tucker Des Lauriers In A.I. Assist Costume

T’KOR CLOTTEY from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Quinn Martin from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Tucker explained that he volunteered to be a pawn for T'kor because "I wanted to be a gentleman, and I offered it to two people that I was not in an alliance with." He explained that he knew how hard being the HOH can be. He said, "I know that [T'kor's] a very empathetic person, and I just wanted to offer it so she knew she had that comfort padding if she needed it. I didn't think she needed it." Tucker added that Cedric Hodges, who also went home as a pawn, didn't have a winning streak like he did.

It's not surprising that Tucker isn't happy with Quinn being the Big Brother 26 week 7 HOH because he betrayed him. However, he does seem to be partially joking about his ill will toward him. Quinn truly can't be trusted in the game, as he literally runs to tell people things the second after he's told not to. However, his diabolical strategy seems to be working. Despite causing mayhem in the house, he's still well-liked by both his fellow houseguests and viewers. It'll be interesting to see how Quinn handles being HOH for the second time after his Deepfake HOH reign.

Tucker's decision to be a pawn for T'kor came from a place of love rather than strategy, which is very admirable. He was a loyal player who really did stick his neck out for the people he was working with. Tucker expected that same type of loyalty in return, but he didn't get it from Quinn. It's a shame that Tucker left so early, before even making it to jury, but it's understandable that his fellow houseguests evicted him when they had the chance. It'll be interesting to see who emerges as the biggest threat now that Tucker has been evicted from Big Brother 26.

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