Grey’s Anatomy’s surgeons are well-known for their medical innovations, but in Thursday’s episode (recapped here), one of the long-running drama’s doctors pushed the envelope culinarily, stitching together a dish that looked so mouth-watering, it rivaled the “Marry Me” chicken of TikTok renown.
Early on in the episode, Jo, who was recovering nicely but still off duty since the trauma that she suffered in the midseason premiere (read that recap), whipped up partner Link a true breakfast of champions: a mountainous meal, the ingredients of which, she explained, were bacon, eggs, cheese and a pancake between two donuts. Or, as an awestruck Link put it, his significant other had made him “a sandwich of my favorite breakfast foods.”
Sure, it was going to take some smushing down of the dish for the ortho doc to take so much as a bite without unhinging his jaw. But if Blondie’s better half could manage to enjoy a Dagwood sandwich, Link could surely manage to savor the delicacy that Jo had created for him!
Do we even need to mention that later on in “Jump (For My Love),” Link popped the question to Jo, who is carrying their unborn twins? The “my favorite breakfast foods” sandwich wasn’t expressly the reason that he proposed. It didn’t even come up. Rather, Link had a lot to say about Jo being his best friend and always having been. But c’mon — a sandwich with donuts as the wraparound and a surprise pancake in the middle? That couldn’t have hurt.