Jennifer Lawrence Cracks Up As She Runs Into Random New Yorker Wearing Same Dress As Her: Photos

Jennifer Lawrence was out on a stroll around NYC when she rocked a flowy maxi dress & cracked up when she saw another person wearing the same exact dress as her.

Jennifer Lawrence was enjoying a stroll around New York City when she rocked a flowy cream maxi dress. The 31-year-old was walking around the city when she wore a spaghetti strap dress and she completely cracked up laughing when she saw another New Yorker on the street wearing the same exact dress.

jennifer lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence was out in NYC wearing a 6397 Relaxed Strappy Dress with a pair of black The Row Egon Sandals, a Trademark Sybil Faux Croc Bag, skinny black sunglasses, & a Babyzen Yoyo Stroller Parasol, when she saw a New Yorker wearing the exact same dress as her. (BrosNYC / BACKGRID)

Jennifer wore the 6397 Relaxed Strappy Dress in White which featured skinny straps and a high, square neckline. The flowy dress ended in the middle of her calves and she accessorized with a pair of black The Row Egon Sandals, a Trademark Sybil Faux Croc Bag, skinny black sunglasses, and a Babyzen Yoyo Stroller Parasol.

As she was walking with friends, she passed by a woman who was wearing the exact same dress with matching tan clogs and a tan leather purse. Both Jennifer and the passerby started hysterically laughing because they couldn’t believe they were wearing the exact same outfit.

Jennifer has been on a roll with her outfits lately and aside from this dress, she recently wore another maxi dress while out in NYC. She wore a brown Matteau the Classic Knit Dress that had a tight bodice and low neckline. She accessorized the frock with a pair of Luv Lov the Gigi Sunglasses and a Dior Saddle Kaleidiorscopic Bag.

Aside from this look, she was recently out wearing a pair of high-waisted The Row Egli Jeans with a black cropped The Row Big Sisea Shirt, a Babyzen Yoyo Stroller Parasol, a pair of Pierre Hardy Buckle Suede Sandals, and a Trademark Sybil Faux Croc Bag.

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