Jennifer Lawrence shares how her wedding day to Cooke Maroney was ‘awful’ and why she told Robert De Niro to leave her rehearsal dinner

Jennifer Lawrence said her wedding day was 'awful'.

The No Hard Feelings actress tied the knot with Cooke Maroney in 2019 and she admitted she found the whole day 'so stressful.'

That is because she spent too much time worrying about her guests' comfort and enjoyment to relax and have fun.

Admitting being a bride was 'awful', she explained to E! News: 'It's so stressful. You're not having fun. You're just like, "Is that person having fun?"

'I'll never forget—I was freaking out about the guests being cold, and all of my friends were lying they're like, "Nobody's cold, nobody's cold, everything's fine, everything's fine."

Jennifer Lawrence said her wedding day was 'awful'. The No Hard Feelings actress tied the knot with Cooke Maroney in 2019 and she admitted she found the whole day 'so stressful.' That is because she spent too much time worrying about her guests' comfort and enjoyment to relax and have fun. Seen on Sunday

Jennifer Lawrence said her wedding day was 'awful'. The No Hard Feelings actress tied the knot with Cooke Maroney in 2019 and she admitted she found the whole day 'so stressful.' That is because she spent too much time worrying about her guests' comfort and enjoyment to relax and have fun. Seen on Sunday

Lawrence and her husband Maroney were seen leaving HBO after a party at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles over the weekend

Lawrence and her husband Maroney were seen leaving HBO after a party at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles over the weekend

'My mom was like, "It's freezing out there, your grandmother almost died."'

The 33-year-old actress ordered her friend and frequent co-star Robert De Niro – who she worked with on Silver Linings Playbook, Joy, and American Hustle – to 'go home' during the rehearsal dinner because she was convinced he didn't want to be there – and admitted she was relieved when he left.

See also  Eνᴏӏսtіᴏո ᴏf Jеոոіfег Aոіѕtᴏո: Embгαϲіոց tһе Swееt Sіхtееո Gӏᴏw

She said: 'I looked over and I saw Bob, who doesn't know anybody and he's kind of wandering around, and I immediately was like, "No, this isn't what he wants to be doing. I don't want him here."

'So I went over and whispered, I was like, "Go home" and he was nice – he like talked to my parents and was polite – but I was like, "Go."

'[After he left] that just genuinely made me feel better.'

Lawrence and Maroney held their luxury wedding at the Belcourt of Newport mansion in Rhode Island in October 2019.

They hosted 150 guests at the reception including Adele, Amy Schumer, Cameron Diaz, Benji and Joel Madden, Nicole Richie and Kris Jenner and celebrations carried on until 5.30am.

They went on to honeymoon at the exclusive Nihi Sumba Resort on a remote island in Indonesia. 

Jennifer – who has 23-month-old son Cy with her spouse – recently laughed off claims she had had cosmetic surgery, insisting her face has changed purely because she is getting older and has been in the public eye for so long.

She told Interview magazine: 'I started at 19, so I get the before and after pictures from when I'm 19 to 30 and I'm like, "I grew up. I lost baby weight in my face, and my face changed because I'm ageing."

The 33-year-old actress ordered her friend and frequent co-star Robert De Niro - who she worked with on Silver Linings Playbook, Joy, and American Hustle - to 'go home' during the rehearsal dinner because she was convinced he didn't want to be there; seen in December

The 33-year-old actress ordered her friend and frequent co-star Robert De Niro – who she worked with on Silver Linings Playbook, Joy, and American Hustle – to 'go home' during the rehearsal dinner because she was convinced he didn't want to be there; seen in December

'Everybody thought I had a nose job, and I'm like, "I've had the exact same nose. My cheeks got smaller. Thank you for bringing it up."'

The Hunger Games' star also highlighted the influence of Hung Vanngo, the acclaimed make-up artist.

She explained: 'I also think it's incredible what make-up can do because I work with Hung, who overlines the lip, and I call him a plastic surgeon, because everybody in the last few months since I've been working with him is convinced that I had eye surgery.'

Lawrence, Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon at the 81st Annual Golden Globe Awards

Lawrence, Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon at the 81st Annual Golden Globe Awards

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