Jennifer Lawrence’s Go-To Slide Sandals Are Currently On Sale For Just $15

Jennifer Lawrence’s favorite slide sandals can be worn through all seasons & they’re currently on sale for just $15.

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If there’s one look that Jennifer Lawrence can totally pull off, it is without a doubt a stylish athleisure outfit. One wardrobe staple in particular that the 32-year-old loves are her Adidas slide sandals and the best part is – they are currently on sale on Amazon for just $15.

Get the adidas Adilette Comfort Sandals Slide here for $15.

jennifer lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence wore her adidas Adilette Comfort Sandals Slides with leggings & a tank top while out in NYC. (Elder Ordonez /

The Adidas Adilette Comfort Sandals retail for $35 but are currently 50% off so they can be all yours for just $15, saving you a whopping $20. JLaw loves the slides and has rocked them on multiple different occasions. We loved when she wore them with gray socks, high-waisted black leggings, and a plunging black cropped tank top with spaghetti halter straps to run errands. She topped her look off with a blue baseball cap, oversized sunglasses, and choker necklaces.

adidas slides

Another time she wore them, she was wearing a similar outfit but this time she threw the sandals on without socks. She paired them with leggings and a cropped black T-shirt, Garrett Leight Holly Sunglasses in Matte Black-Black, and a green leather The Row Bourse Bag.

Jennifer isn’t the only one who loves the sandals, in fact, over 37,200 customers gave the shoes amazing reviews. One super satisfied customer even gushed, “I bought these for my wife to wear around the house. She loves them the only problem that I have with them is I can’t get her to take them off I bought her three other pairs but she seems to like that one the best.”

Meanwhile, another shopper raved, “Wow, I love these ! They’re absurdly comfy, might feel a little snug at first but conform to your feet after a week or two of use. I love these so dang much.”

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