"Stay liquid" is a popular phrase in the action-crime television series SWAT. The show follows Los Angeles SWAT lieutenant Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson (Shemar Moore), who leads a highly skilled special operations police unit. The action-packed series frequently takes inspiration from real-life events to fuel its adrenaline-pumping plots. SWAT premiered on CBS in 2017 and is based on the original 1975 television show of the same name.
In a shocking move, SWAT was recently canceled by CBS after six successful seasons. The SWAT season 6 finale was then expected to serve as the show's series finale. And then in another abrupt shift, CBS reversed its cancelation and picked it up for a seventh season. As a result of the sudden changes at CBS, True Lies and East New York were both canceled, whereas SWAT is slated to return. Ultimately, that means more high-stakes missions, car chases, and, of course, Hondo making constant use of the line, "stay liquid," a phrase that's become a calling card of the show.
'Stay Liquid' Is A SWAT Catchphrase
"Stay liquid" is a catchphrase exclusively used on SWAT that is primarily said by Hondo. It is often said as a motto before the SWAT team initiates its objectives, whether it be entering a potentially hazardous building or approaching what might become a combat situation. Hondo says "stay liquid" to his team as a reminder to remain fluid while completing their mission and to ensure that everybody maintains an even flow with the assignment, avoiding stagnation or loss of momentum.
"Stay liquid" also aligns with the concept of the team dispersing but remaining unified, making sure to cover each other's backs and fill in the gaps in their objective. It implies that the team covers all ground in their target area to eliminate threats from uncovered regions. Flooding water covers all areas of a flattened surface while remaining unified vertically. When Hondo says "stay liquid," he's reminding his team to stay flexible in order for a smooth operation but to also cover every inch of the place they infiltrate.
'Stay Liquid' Epitomizes What SWAT Is About
"Stay liquid" represents the significance of unified and fluid execution in SWAT. In order to successfully complete their missions, Hondo and his team must maintain a steady pace while also preparing for the unexpected at all times. The ability to stay on their toes during their missions is fundamentally essential to the outcomes of their objectives. Staying 'liquid' encompasses the necessary mobility, range, and even transparency required between Hondo and his team. If the team's motto were to stay 'solid' or 'airy', it would imply a defensive or covert element that wouldn't epitomize SWAT as accurately as "staying liquid."